It's always essential to know how much you have in your bank account, and how much of your total account balance is available for immediate spending. Checking your account balance regularly helps you understand where you stand and which transactions have cleared your account. You can spot unknown deductions, payments, fraud, etc.
The country's largest lender State Bank of India provides quick missed call service for account balance enquiry, loan enquiry, mini statement, blocked ATM cards or much more. So you can you keep an eye on your bank account by just a missed call.
SBI Quick missed call service
To use SBI Quick missed call service. The SBI customer has to register the mobile number. To register your mobile number for SBI missed call service send SMS ‘REG account number' to 09223488888. For example, REG 123456789> 09223488888. You will get a confirmation message indicating successful or unsuccessful registration after this. How To Check EPF Balance Through Mobile SMS?
Mobile number must be available in bank records then only you can register for SBI missed call service. To attach a mobile number with the account, contact your SBI bank branch immediately.
You can check the balance by sending miss call to 09223766666. You can check the balance through SMS also. The SMS format is ‘BAL' <09223766666. You will get the list of full list of instant messaging services by sending SMS ‘HELP' to 09223588888.
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