Priya Prakash Varrier who became an internet sensation with her wink in the song 'Manikya Malaraya Poovi' from Malayalam flick 'Oru Aadaar Love' is now on a record breaking spree. Search engine Google had declared this debutante is the most searched actress on the platform. And now, She is over-shadowing even the tech honchos.
Believe it or not, Priya Prakash Varrier have more number of followers than Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Instagram. Looking at the pace with which the followers count has been increasing, It won't be a surprise if she emerges as the Indian with most number of followers on photo-sharing App.
In fact, The Wink-Girl came so close to breaking soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo's 600,000 followers per day record on Instagram.
On the other hand, Priya Prakash Varrier welcomed SC's decision to stay criminal proceedings against her. Few cases were filed by right-wing activists against the Actress after her 30-sec teaser had gone viral.
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