CRPF Constable Recruitment 2017 Apply Online @
About Central Reserved Police Force: It is the central Reserve Force and come into existence as a crown representative of Police on July 27th, 1939. It became the CRPF on the enactment of CRPF ACT on December 28th, 1949. Now it has completed 76 years of glorious history. Recently the department has released the official notification for the recruitment of 2945 constable vacancies. Other information regarding the CRPF Recruitment 2017 for the constable Posts. Aspirants who are searching for Latest Defence Jobs this a good opportunity for them.
Subject : Online Bharti
CRPF Vacancy Details:
CRPF Vacancy 2017 Details:
Name of the Post & No of Vacancies:
Constables (Technical & Tradesmen) i.e Driver/Fitter/Bugler/Tailor/Brass Band/Pipe Band/ Cobbler /Carpenter/ Gardner/ Painter /Cook / Water Carrier/ Washer(Men/Women)/ Safai Karamchari / Barber/ Hair DresserRegion Name | No of Posts | Region Name | No of Posts |
Bihar | 189 | Chhatisgarh | 79 |
Jharkhand | 108 | Madhya Pradesh | 121 |
Odisha | 73 | Uttarakhand | 22 |
UP | 343 | West Bengal | 213 |
Sikkim | 01 | Punjab | 99 |
Himachal Pradesh | 14 | Jamuu | 42 |
Kashmir | 71 | Delhi | 48 |
haryana | 39 | Rajasthan | 125 |
Chandigarh | 04 | Assam | 140 |
Meghlaya | 50 | Arunachal Pradesh | 15 |
Tripura | 26 | Mizoram | 07 |
Manipur | 37 | Nagaland | 95 |
Telangana | 100 | Andhra Pradesh | 137 |
Karnataka | 138 | Kerala | 106 |
Tamilnadu | 200 | Ponducahery | 02 |
Goa | 03 | Maharashtra | 183 |
Gujarat | 115 |
Syllabus for CRPF Recruitment 2017 2945 Constables Posts @
Written Test : The written test will be of 100 marks consisting of two parts, i.e. Part-I – Knowledge expected from a Class – 10 pass candidates (for 40 Nos) and Part-II relating to knowledge of the Trade(for 60 Nos). The cut-off percentage of marks for qualifying in written exam will be as under:-- General : 35 %
- SC/ST/OBC : 33 %
- Part – I (40 Marks) : General awareness/ knowledge, Knowledge of elementary mathematics , Analytical aptitude. , Ability to observe and distinguish patterns., Basic knowledge in English/Hindi. Marks : 40
- Part – II (60 Marks) : Questions carrying 01 mark, separately for each trade to assess the knowledge of the candidate in respective trade. Candidate applying for a particular trade will be given question paper pertaining to that trade only.
- The questions will be set both in Hindi and English. Accordingly, the paper can be answered in any one of these languages.
- Questions in Part-I & II are to be answered using a blue/ black ball pen.
- The duration of the Written Test will be 02 hours.
- No representation for revaluation of answer sheet of written exam or re-conduct of written examination will be entertained.
- Candidates should bring clip boards and blue/black ball pens for written examination.
- Candidates are not permitted to use Mobile phone, calculators or any other electronic/electrical device. Candidates, therefore, must not bring these devices inside the examination premises. Possession of these items, whether in use or not, will be considered as “use of unfair means” in the Examination and appropriate action will be taken against such candidates.
- The written examination Question papers will be set bilingually in Hindi and English and candidates will have the option to answer either in Hindi or English.